Beaujolais - Rhône
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A tour of the area

Not to be missed

Between Dombes and Beaujolais

Take the time to discover this beautiful region, with its varied landscapes between the ponds of the Dombes and the vineyards of the Beaujolais.

Château de Fléchères

Castle of Fléchères

Groupes sur rendez-vous du 1er /04 au 11/11
Découvrez ses cheminées sculptées, ses salons meublés Louis XV, ses cuisines, ses superbes fresques italiennes. Sans oublier son parc !

Fléchères is the largest château open to visitors in Dombes & Saône and the environ s of Lyon.
Built between 1606 and 1625 and preserved intact, it offers an exceptional vision of the life of the nobility of Lyon in the 17th century.
Castle of Fléchères

Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne, the medieval town

Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne is located between Dombes and Bresse and is characterized by its commercial dynamism, the richness of its history and heritage and the beauty of its natural surroundings. It is a part of Ain that is well worth a visit.
Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne, the medieval town
Etang le Plantay

The Dombes Meres

Décor esthétique du film "Ridicule" de Jean Becker, le millier d'étangs étonne et ravit peintres ou photographes à l'affut de belles lumières.
The Dombes Meres

The Beaujolais Wine Route

Break free and take your time on the Beaujolais Wine Route, you will be captivated by the pleasant landscape with beautiful vineyards, wine estates and châteaux, villages and golden stones.
The Beaujolais Wine Route
Trévoux bords de Saône

Ars, Shrine Town and Trévoux, land of Art and History

Come here by boat, or take a scenic drive through Ain, and find you could happily spend hours just wandering along the river bank. Trévoux is a charming Renaissance-style town in the Saône Valley, just north of Lyon, which will take you on a journey back in time.
Ars, Shrine Town and Trévoux, land of Art and History
Touroparc Zoo

Touroparc Zoo

Lions, lemurs, giraffes, rhinoceroses, hippos... they're all here! After a tour of the zoo, it's time for the attractions and water park. All in all, a great time for all the family, and plenty of good memories to take home with you.
Touroparc Zoo